On this page, you will always find a link to the download page for the most recent version of ANIMAL.
Currently, the most recent version is Animal-2.5.3. Please follow the link to download this version.
Additionally, we provide the following download options:
- The most recent version of ANIMAL
- The Quick Start Guide to installing and using ANIMAL
- Documentation on using ANIMAL:
- A User Guide for using the ANIMAL GUI to create animations (PDF)
- A tutorial for generating animations using the built-in scripting language ANIMALSCRIPT
- Information on generating animations using the Java-based AlgoAnim API.
Please note: the AlgoAnimal API is included in the current ANIMAL distribution and thus does not have to be downloaded separately.
- A Generator for Graph Algorithm Animation
- The Animalipse AnimalScript Eclipe plugin
- A Flash video on how to access and start ANIMAL using Java WebStart - also available as an AVI video (3MB)
- A QuickTime movie illustrating the Gauss elimination algorithm, rendered directly from Animal (MP4 format, 1.4 MB)
- A ZIP archive containing a collection of animations in either English or German